At the most recent transfer on Aug 17, Adam became a "trainer", with the responsibility of mentoring a brand new missionary as he entered the mission field. His new companion is Elder Dotson from Enoch, Utah. According to Elder Dotson, Enoch is even more rural than Taibao so he is being eased into the mission that covers some really densely populated areas. Adam is also given the assignment to be the District Leader, with Min-Hsiung (Minxiong) as the other area in the District.
The Taibao Branch is pretty small, with about 20-30 people attending church each Sunday. There are a total of 7 young people (Primary children plus Young Men/Young Women). The branch president is 29 years old but, according to Adam, is a super cool person. Adam's apartment is only 3 minutes from the chapel so it is very convenient.
Adam loves this area (just like he loves all his former areas) because the people are so down to earth, really nice, and really hard working. His area includes the beach so it's a little farther from the mountains and the rain.
He is teaching some really good people and working with members who have been to church for a while. Now that he has a companion who is brand new in Taiwan, Adam has to take more responsibility in communicating in Chinese with the local people.
Here are some recent photos.
With someone Adam is teaching. |
Getting a local member who has not been to church for a while |
Best dinner ever! Homemade Peking duck and dumplings. |
With Elder Chang and local members before Elder Chang leaves the area. |
Elder Dotson's first hotpot dinner. They're very thirsty! |
At the Taibao City sign. Calligraphy by the city mayor. |
Taibao Sunset. |